Please look after yourself

Please look after yourself

I am writing this to give people a better understanding of this eye problem I have contracted NMO in 2019, (Neuromyelitis optica, or Devic's disease, is a rare yet severe demyelinating autoimmune inflammatory process affecting the central nervous system.)

I knew a few people with this problem, the other day, what I heard was a young man, in his late twenties got the same illness, but his loses both eyes. (That's devastating.) Mind you a week ago everything is fine perfect, it takes 3 days to take you down. (See pict below to understand) This is my experience and everybody's system might not be the same.
Day 1

Day 1

There is a strip of grey tape across my eyes. (This is not accumulated over time, suddenly  it just appear, NOT slowly over days, but suddenly it's just there.
Day 2

Day 2

The patch grew, I thought it will go away, there's no pain, no discomfort. (I totally got no idea what it is.) I remember I had swollen eye years back, the doctor injected into my eyes the next 2 days I am well.
Day 3

Day 3

I applied some eye drops, hoping it will go away, and in my mind worst-case scenario consult a doctor get a jab in the eyes, the sun will still shine. (Maybe I have that jab before, because of fear in getting the jab, deter me a little.)
Day 4

Day 4

Day 4 - Too late. Till today, on heavy medication to control the immune system.

Everything is Alright

Everything is tuned and adjust, went for regular check-up without fail for the past 2 years, and it was my time for the covid booster jab. (Prior to the booster jab, got a blood test and consultation before I take the jab, everything is in order.) But as for me, I need to take a double dosage due to the medication and medical conditons, and I took it. I was taken ill for 2 days, weak, lethargic, I recovered after a good 2-day rest, back to my work as a web designer, my vision is up and down, I told my wife, the progressive lens is failing (got this less than 2 month ago), only the single focal lens works, the next day I try to make a payment online. (see picture). I can hardly make up the words on my credit card. I took a picture to enlarge it, but I still get this. Oh no. This spell Danger.
What I see

What I see

Everything is distorted, and also the disappearing wording. I tilt the card left and right to figure out, and the words seem to gel together, just like the security codes.

Immediate Action

I called the medical officer who attended to me past 2 years, she immediately allocated an appointment the very next day, to see the eye doctor.

When I finish the first set of tests, they suggested that I get hospitalized and do a thorough examination.
Gone for a complete body scan, the neurologist suggest "high dosage drips" and see if the condition can get better, and a few many blood test, they suggested Plax or Plasma,  (An exchange transfusion is a medical procedure that's done by removing and replacing your blood with blood or plasma from a donor.) Done that 2 years ago, and the experience isn't nice at all. (lost left eye vision completely after the 3rd plax, that was my point of view, it could also mean, it stop that from attacking the right eye, I accept it as unforeseen circumstances, no further queries. What action taken is for good.)

This time round I only have my right eyes left, nothing to fall back on, was a very difficult discussion. My vision is dimming as time goes by. I opt-in. Grace of God.
What I see

What I see

There is a blockage in between A and B. (People at B that walk to a will give me a shock, because of the blockage suddenly the appear at A, like magic. (Also due to the condition of my journey, the light suddenly went so bright and suddenly dim down. (No pain, but seems like the eye autofocus is out of order.)
Red Dot Test

Red Dot Test

This is for testing the eyes.
Day 1

Day 1

2 right dots missing, is what I am viewing, before the plax.
Day 3

Day 3

After plax treatment, part of the dots is appears an is darker, however the lower part is missing still.
Day 5

Day 5

The dots fully appeared, and it's not as darker compared to the previous treatment.
Day 8

Day 8

Gradully lighter but compared to the last 4 and 5 treatment it seems maintaining.


Original - Everything should be like this, good and clear.
Day 1

Day 1

All corners are darkened, sometimes it's like nightfall, you need to switch the light on, but the light is already switched on.
Day 5

Day 5

After 2nd and 3rd plax, the corners lighten, the blurriness improved but throughout the forth and fifth treatment, maintaining at this frame, currently after a week rest at home the I see a more comfortable picture, but the bluring effects is somehow not corrected, will take a month or more for it to stabilize before new eyewear can be made.


Darken to avoid the monitor light

Darken to avoid the monitor light

This is just a notch down, (if it's 1-10, I am light shifting it from 5 to 4.) So totally before the treatment to use the computer is quite a challenge. Also if there's in direct lighting the screen will go darker. Indirect white light is best, LED lights are far too blinding. Wearing an eye patch or sun glasses helps too.
I can figure out better with dark back ground and grey text.


As the screen is darkened based on my conditions, shift 1 up, default at 5 and shift to 6, the screen gets too bright and the black text will fade to light grey, 1 notch up my screen will become an almost white screen. White background with light is very sore, hardly figure out.


Original & Current

After the plax, the dark shades and corner lightens, the full words are visible only needs to correct is the blurness.
Before Plax Treatment

Before Plax Treatment

Have tilt my head, or close my eyes for couple of seconds to see the wordings properly, otherwise it's like all thr grey text is missing.

Visual Comfort

Compared to before this incident, my eyes conditions drop from 100 to 30. Duly because when I put on the glasses I get 100% visual comfort, and 70% without eyewear distant object is still comfortably alright, just text or finer things are not in focus. But after attack, the glasses must be put on to achieve 30-50 percent of minimal visual comfort despite blurness and darkness, under different light ambiance.


With proper pair of glasses, everything is beautiful, perfect. As I only need reading glasses, other wise I don't actually need glasses.


Current visual conditions, with glasses, still not as clear, but compared to couple of days ago it has pick up quite a comfortable bit.

This image is 20%-30% worse compared to previously (before attack) when I don't wear glasses.
Current Without Glasses

Current Without Glasses

Looking without the aid of glasses, but compared to 10 days ago, I am relief that I still can see. I am trying my best to adapt with different eyewear and wear, to cope with this. When outdoor a cap and a pair of dark sunglasses is a must to avoid the glaring to blackout. Indoor, glasses will do, in front of TV or computer, a pair of lightly tinted pair of glasses is best.
This is based on my own encounter, everybody's condition is different, I hope this is useful to you. Otherwise, stay safe.

According to my doctor, it has nothing to do with my long hours in from of my computer, and also the cigarette I have been smoking since 2019. (Somehow after the plax, I am freed from cigarettes, the urge has completely disappeared.) Not sure cured by the plax or stayed too long in the hospital.
Covid 2022

The first 2 jab, was fine. But the third jab really nearly blind the other eye. Well, sometime, still lucky to see.

16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
