In the Event of Fire

Fire Evacuation Procedures:

During a fire emergency, it is crucial to follow proper evacuation procedures to ensure the safety of all individuals present. Here are some general guidelines for fire evacuation:
  • Stay Calm: In the event of a fire, try to remain calm and encourage others to do the same. Panicking can lead to confusion and hinder the evacuation process.

  • Alert Others: If you discover a fire, immediately activate the nearest fire alarm and alert others in the vicinity. Shout "Fire!" to inform people who may not have heard the alarm.

  • Leave the Area: Proceed to the nearest emergency exit or designated evacuation route. Avoid using elevators and take the stairs instead, as elevators may become unsafe during a fire.

  • Check Doors: Before opening any doors, use the back of your hand to feel if they are hot. If a door is hot, do not open it, as it may lead to an area with an active fire. Instead, find an alternative exit.

  • Crawl Low: If there is smoke in the air, get down and crawl to minimize smoke inhalation. Smoke rises, so the air near the floor is usually less toxic.

  • Close Doors: Close doors behind you as you evacuate to slow down the spread of fire and smoke.

  • Assemble at a Safe Location: Once outside the building, move to a designated assembly point or a safe distance away from the affected area. Stay there until emergency personnel provide further instructions.

  • Do Not Re-enter: Under no circumstances should you re-enter the building until authorized by the fire department or other relevant authorities.

16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
