Dr. Dyer's wisdom

wayne Dyer

In the realm of wisdom and self-discovery,
A beacon of light emerged, guiding humanity.
Dr. Wayne Dyer, a sage of profound insight,
Whose words and teachings continue to ignite.

With a gentle voice and a compassionate heart,
He showed us the power of choosing our own part.
Through books and lectures, he shared his truth,
Inspiring souls to seek their own route.

A seeker himself, he embarked on a quest,
To uncover the secrets that life manifests.
From "Your Erroneous Zones" to "The Power of Intention,"
His words sparked transformation and soulful connection.

He taught us to look within, to find our divine,
To release our fears and let our spirits shine.
With his words of encouragement, we dared to dream,
Realizing that we are more than we seem.

Dr. Dyer's wisdom transcended boundaries and creeds,
Touching hearts across nations, fulfilling profound needs.
He reminded us of our innate power and grace,
Guiding us to embrace our truest self's embrace.

In the face of challenges, he showed resilience and grace,
A testament to the strength of the human race.
His teachings echoed through every word he spoke,
A reminder that love is the ultimate cloak.

Though he has left this earthly plane behind,
His teachings and legacy forever enshrined.
In our hearts and minds, his light continues to burn,
A guiding force, from which we can always learn.

So let us pay tribute to Dr. Wayne Dyer's name,
A visionary, a teacher, whose impact will never wane.
May his teachings inspire us to live authentically,
And continue to journey towards our highest destiny.

Dr. Wayne Dyer, we honor your transformative art,
Your wisdom and love forever etched in our heart.
Thank you for illuminating our paths with your grace,
May your spirit soar in eternal embrace.



16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
