Character building

The study is based on my 3 kids, now young adult. As I can remember clearly.

Audrey, born pre-mature, a little weaker than the 2 brothers, she got our 24/7 attention we are exceptionally careful, what we give, we give our best. Now, she’s a guardian for the 2 brothers, like we give here all our love, she returns to the family, friends and I can see she’s a team member with lots of love and passion. And she always ready to help if you need, even she doesn’t know you well.

Andre, born 3 years after Audrey, enjoyed least among the siblings, a while later the younger brother is coming, least attention was paid to him, well, but he takes it ok, we explain he understand. We went cycling, he has to cycle. When out he walks as his brother is taking the stroller, time flies, he has nothing more unique than his brother, as I always bought 2. He always has to give in. He even takes a rap with his brother who played the firecracker wrongly and all of us go to the police station to report. Today, I see him as a very responsible and sensible person, (polished in the army) basically everything in his hands HE EARN IT. He works his wits out to get what he wants, never surrender to his fate, the super fighting spirit can scale the highest building and dive the deepest ocean and be back just in time to ring the “Victory Bell”.

Aongus, the youngest, never give anybody a break, seems to be a lucky star in his own way, everybody will give in and give way, and he have that charisma to draw what he needs, a person who will think of an easy way out, every time with his “Cheat Codes”. Somehow escape most of the time, but also as positive as he should. Many times, I think in his mind someone will get him out of trouble.

I am sure this 3 people will be bond as long as the sun shines, I am happy and accomplish. Success!

Life proudest moment

When Audrey is born

When Andre is commissioned

When Aongus wins in baby contest.


The whole story is uploaded into, this will serve as a guide or reference to work the things out.

I write this book as I motivate myself, and hopefully it can help you somehow.

Don’t just sit there do something really nice for yourself today, you will get that energy somehow.

Nobody knows what you are going through, if you are happy, can you make a stranger happy? If you are down and out, the only person who can walk you out is yourself.

16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
