Stages of life(bio)

Interesting markers

0-7 the young and innocent, everything is new, new experiences every day, learning every day. Hearsay, the brain is like a sponge, it absorbs everything, learning a third and fourth language is also very easy.

8-15 the watch out zone, going to school learning a skill where one is exposed to less guided, the thing are taught and learn. Good ones and bad influences kicks in. The circle of friends and environment plays an important part, also back with the family situation the ship will start steering, any wrong input can lead to tedious recovery later. Do pay attention, after this stage, you will not be in control as they will be entering the stage where they don’t want to be in control. (one parent was asking me questions, Yes, everyone was once in this stage, I remembered so clearly what happened and that un-guided surrounding within.

Entering adult hood – spoken to many people, they will say no worries, in control, but somehow some will fall into the trap, and some don’t. Perhaps this is part of the cycle called “experience”. They will soon get a job, get into a relationship, get married and forming a new family. There’s no equation and formula that at this junction, this will happen, or that will come. Also depending on the situation and scenarios, people always says: “If you can’t beat them, join them.” Nope, I am one person that don’t follow, I am a trend setter. I don’t mind what people say, as I am not in control of their thoughts, but I always do, what I do, what I like. “I feel good, which is most important.”, so long as it harms nobody, the rest is ok. Also never announce what you are doing, people will follow. I think you don’t have to convince people what you love is “that interesting”, for them to find out.

We enter that competition stage, where we strive to be the best.

Then the warrior stage, where we fight to ensure the empire is safe, some people never slow down and they keep going on. I ever ask someone, why don’t you slow down? He told me, I have more than hundred staff to look after. It sure is hard to be a Boss.

16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
