Transitions (R)

Just like the smoker going through the cold turkey, the flow of thoughts that come to tell you no, all the funny illusions and things to confused and distract you. Stay firm, you know what you want, you will not be defeated, you will not accept the easy way out, you not swing back, you will go forward.

You can see so many encouragements from around you, you don’t want to disappoint them, they are your loved ones, who cares for you more. Be strong, super strong and firm. It’s a YES from me.!

As for giving up a habit, the secret is “Are you willing?”. Don’t announce to the world what you are going to do, your ego will not assist you. Do it quietly, tell yourself it’s good for me. Get into some activities and groups that will help you get out of it. Try to avoid that usual group for the time being, say you are engaged, out town.

I have successfully QUIT smoking in July 2019, nobody asks me to, not that I want too, not that my physical fitness makes me to, it’s just like that I just STOP. I did not use sweets or anything as substitute to it, that URGE is not there anymore. Thank you. I keep myself busy. On top of that I just want to make my family happy.

When the mind is clear, it can achieve a lot of things.

My friend, you can too, it’s good for you.

16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
