Sir Richard Branson

Richard Branson, a visionary in flight,
With boundless ambition, reaching great height.
Born on July 18, 1950, in London's embrace,
A tale of entrepreneurship, a remarkable chase.

From a young age, a spark in his eyes,
A desire to explore, to aim for the skies.
His ventures began with a humble start,
A student magazine, a glimpse of his art.

Virgin Records, his first venture bold,
Signing bands and artists, a story yet untold.
Music soared under his passionate reign,
A record label empire, breaking every chain.

But Branson's ambitions knew no bounds,
He ventured into new realms, new sights to surround.
Virgin Atlantic, an airline to take flight,
Defying convention, soaring with might.

He challenged the norms of business and industry,
Unafraid to take risks, to chase opportunity.
From trains to mobile phones, his empire grew,
Virgin Group expanding, innovation he drew.

The Virgin brand, a symbol of innovation and flair,
A charismatic leader, a man beyond compare.
With a zest for adventure, a quest for the new,
From hot air balloons to space exploration, he flew.

His philanthropy shone, a compassionate heart,
Supporting causes, playing an impactful part.
A champion for the environment, an advocate for change,
Richard Branson, a pioneer in his own range.

A knight of the realm, a title well earned,
For his contributions to society, a lesson learned.
Richard Branson, a name that echoes with might,
A legacy of innovation, a beacon of light.

So let us celebrate this visionary man,
Whose dreams and endeavors continue to span.
Richard Branson, an inspiration for all,
With relentless spirit, he answers the call.

16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
