Mr Lee Kwan Yew

First class leadership, and vision bold,
A visionary emerged, his story to be told.
Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, the architect of Singapore's rise,
A titan of statesmanship, who opened new skies.

Born on September 16, 1923, in Singapore's embrace,
Harry Lee Kuan Yew, a man of steadfast grace.
With intellect and foresight, he laid the groundwork,
To shape a nation, where dreams would be unbound.

Through turbulent times, he forged a path,
A vision for progress, defying nature's wrath.
With unwavering determination, he led the way,
Transforming Singapore from humble beginnings to a global display.

With governance shrewd and policies sound,
Lee Kuan Yew turned Singapore's fate around.
He nurtured education, fostering a hungry mind,
Building a skilled workforce of the highest kind.

From public housing to healthcare schemes,
His plans uplifted lives, fulfilling dreams.
Infrastructure blossomed, efficiency reigned,
As Singapore's prosperity firmly remained.

With an iron will, he fought corruption's tide,
Instilling discipline and order, side by side.
He championed meritocracy, equal opportunities for all,
Creating a society where talent would stand tall.

Beyond Singapore's shores, his influence was felt,
A respected statesman, his wisdom truly dwelt.
His voice resonated on the global stage,
As he shaped international relations with sage.

Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father revered,
A visionary leader, who persevered.
He laid the foundation, Singapore's strong core,
A testament to his legacy forevermore.

In the hearts of Singaporeans, his spirit remains,
A beacon of inspiration, where hope sustains.
His devotion and passion, an enduring flame,
As Singapore continues to thrive in his name.

So let us pay tribute to Lee Kuan Yew's might,
His indelible mark shining ever bright.
For his plans and contributions, we forever owe,
To the man who shaped Singapore, a nation to grow.

Lee Kuan Yew, a leader unmatched in his zeal,
Your legacy lives on, as Singapore's ideal.
May your vision guide us, as we forge ahead,
A testament to your wisdom, by which we are led.

16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
