To All Father (on Father's day)

In the twilight's golden embrace, a father's heart finds solace,
With every breath, a symphony of love that does not falter or diminish.
Through time's relentless dance, his spirit stands tall,
A steadfast pillar of strength, embracing his children with open arms.

In the depths of night, when shadows creep and fears arise,
A father's voice whispers gently, wiping away tears from innocent eyes.
He weaves tales of courage, painting dreams upon their minds,
Guiding their steps with wisdom, the light that forever binds.

With hands calloused and weathered, he builds a fortress strong,
Protecting dreams and hopes, making sure they all belong.
His laughter echoes through the walls, filling hearts with cheer,
For in his presence, worry and doubt vanish, replaced by joy sincere.

Through countless milestones, he's there, a witness to their growth,
Cheering on their victories, comforting them when they feel lost.
He imparts life's lessons, teaching lessons profound,
A father's guidance a treasure, a priceless wisdom passed down.

He sees beyond their flaws, with a love that's unconditional,
Embracing imperfections, seeing beauty in every individual.
He molds character and virtue, shaping lives with tender care,
A father's love, a beacon, a flame that forever dares.

And when the winds of change blow fierce, and paths may drift apart,
A father's love remains steadfast, etched forever in each heart.
For though life's journey takes them far, and years pass swiftly by,
The bond between a father and child remains eternal, never to die.

So here's to all the fathers, the heroes strong and true,
Whose love's a guiding light, a force that sees us through.
This poem, a humble tribute, a grateful heart does send,
To fathers everywhere, for their love knows no end.

16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
