To Mummy

With unconditional love and tender care, a mother's heart beats strong,
Her nurturing embrace, a sanctuary where we belong.
With gentle words and soothing touch, she guides us on life's way,
A beacon of strength, lighting our path every day.

From the moment of our birth, she cradles us with grace,
Whispering lullabies, painting a smile upon our face.
Her unconditional love, a river that knows no end,
A bond that transcends time, a mother's love, a gift to comprehend.

Through sleepless nights and weary days, she sacrifices it all,
Her dreams intertwined with ours, ready to catch us if we fall.
She stands as our guardian, a shield against life's strife,
Her unwavering devotion, the essence of a mother's life.

In her warm embrace, we find solace from every storm,
Her words of wisdom guide us, her love keeping us warm.
She nurtures our dreams, igniting flames within our souls,
Supporting us as we grow, helping us reach our goals.

She celebrates our victories, no matter how big or small,
Her pride radiating brightly, like a beacon standing tall.
In moments of doubt or despair, she becomes our light,
Her unwavering belief in us, a constant source of might.

She is our teacher, imparting lessons profound,
Instilling values and morals, making us strong and sound.
Her gentle touch mends wounds, both seen and unseen,
Her love, a healing balm, washing away pain unforeseen.

So here's to our mothers, the angels in our lives,
Whose love transcends boundaries, whose presence never dies.
This tribute, a humble homage, cannot capture it all,
But in our hearts forever, a mother's love will stand tall.

On this day and every day, let us honor and adore,
The remarkable mothers who deserve nothing but more.
For their love knows no bounds, their sacrifices untold,
A tribute to mothers, a treasure worth more than gold.

16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
