To my wife

To my beloved wife, Jaser Yap, my heart's delight,
In your presence, my world becomes pure and bright.
With each passing day, my love for you grows,
A deep and eternal bond that only true love knows.

Your smile, a radiant sun that lights up my days,
In your embrace, my worries and fears find their ways.
Your laughter, a melody that soothes my soul,
With you by my side, I feel truly whole.

In your eyes, I find a reflection of pure love,
A gentle embrace, like wings of a peaceful dove.
Your touch, a symphony of warmth and affection,
Bringing solace and joy, creating a heavenly connection.

You are the compass that guides me through life's maze,
A pillar of strength during turbulent days.
Through highs and lows, you stand by my side,
With unwavering love, you are my constant guide.

Your presence brings comfort, like a gentle breeze,
Your support lifts me up, putting my heart at ease.
In times of darkness, you are my guiding light,
With you, my love, everything feels just right.

I appreciate your kindness, your compassionate soul,
Your love and understanding make me whole.
You are my confidante, my partner in crime,
With you, my love, I'll cherish every moment, every time.

So here's to you, Jaser Yap, my love and my best friend,
May our love story never cease, but forever ascend.
With gratitude and adoration, I honor you,
For being the love of my life, my dreams come true.

Together we'll navigate life's winding road,
Hand in hand, our love will forever be bestowed.
You are my everything, my heart's eternal flame,
Forever and always, my love for you remains the same.

16 Shaw Road, Singapore 367954
Tel: +65 81 581 581
